About Us

QEC is an independent evangelical church based in the west of the Island of Jersey. Our church family is made up of people from a wide range of ages and backgrounds. The word 'Evangelical' in our name means that we identify with Christians who for 2000 years have declared the good news of the love of God in Jesus Christ our Saviour and Lord, and have looked to the Bible for what to believe and how to live. We believe the Bible is God’s Word and our aim is to listen to and understand God’s Word and follow what it teaches. We thank God for all He has done for us, and we believe His promises; that He is with us now, and that we shall be with Him for ever. For all this we worship Him, and we warmly invite you to come and join us and discover for yourself the joy of knowing Jesus.
QEC is led by our Pastor Leon Coates, who is ably assisted by our team of deacons.
QEC is based in our own church buildings sited in Le Clos de Carrel (near the Quennevais sports centre) with extensive car parking available.